#4, Health

Well, finally back home after hours at the in-laws for the big Thanksgiving dinner, and it was really wonderful - family, friends, food, fun, and laughter. Driving home tonight about 10:30, enjoying the crisp, cool evening, I was thinking about our day. We were all reminded today about how very blessed we have been with our health. In the middle of our celebration, my daughter Lori went to visit a friend whose husband is dealing with a very serious health issue right now, a young man in his late 30s/early 40s, with two children. It really wakes you up to the things that are important in this life.

I have friends and family who deal with health issues - high blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, learning disabilities, etc. - and then there's me, with no issues except arthritis in my knees (some days they're "crankier" than others), a tendency to eat too much (stress) and exercise too little (lazy), and that's basically it. I am so thankful each day to wake up (!) able to get out of bed, take care of myself, have a place to live that I love, family and friends close by, and be able to marvel at this beautiful world we live in.



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